Saturday, May 3, 2008

Final Stretch!

Firstly I want to thank you all for thinking of me during this past year. I could not have done it with our your 'help'.

Secondly I want to tell you all that after much consideration I have decided to stay in China for a second year! I am really excited for my future plans and the plans for this wonderful country.

I am coming home this summer. I will be home in early July and I will leave again in late August. Don't worry, we will have plenty of time to catch up when you take me out for lunch at Chipotle or In-N-Out. OR...if you are feeling really generous you can take me out for a steak dinner! hahaha

My last trip was in Chendu (Panda Capitol of the World). Here are some pics of the cuddly creatures!

Nap time!

3 Amigos

Ha ha ha...This one is great!

So Cute!

Chinese Guys stop for a cucumber break!

Chinese Opera!

Don't try this at home!

Thank you for reading and looking and I thank you all so much for 'thinking' of me during this final stretch!

See Ya Soon!!!

1 comment:

Carpenters said...

Taylor it's been great giving "help" this year. You've been a real "help" to us to. It's great how the Body of X works that way. I love the "cucumber break". Why are they selling cucumbers at the top of the mountain? I guess that's just what you're supposed to do in China. Or perhaps it's, "good for your healthy." I have my first departure meeting today. AiYou! Can't believe it's already happening. Hope the weekend in Huangshi and Wuhan was good... we're looking forward to seeing you this summer. We'll make sure to have steak again in August before y'all fly. If I remember correctly I think you ate 2.