Friday, November 16, 2007

Yellow Crane Tower/New Dog/Random

Here are a few picks around town and at the Yellow Crane Tower. I am doing well. We are making great relationships with people at Mr. Mai's Coffee Shop. I met this guy named Frank and he is a Kung-Fu instructor. So I decided to take some lessons. I am going to do that once a week to keep in shape, and so that I can practice on my little brother when I get back. haha Just kidding Trev. Mr. Mai's is having a Thanksgiving Day Party next week and they have asked Stew and I to play some music for the event. We are also having a Thanksgiving Day dinner with our foreign fellowship group next Thursday. So we will be celebrating the holiday with our good friends. Stew got a dog and named him 'Beau'. Don't ask me why he got a dog or why he named it 'beau'. I don't know. haha It is getting really cold here but I bought plenty of clothes in preparation. That's about all for now. Thanks for your pryers.

Street Market

A little Fruit.

Chinese Garden

Nuff Said.

Beautiful Wuhan, China.

Yellow Crane Tower. The entire town would come here for shelter in a time of war.

Stew's new dog, Beau. It looks like a stuffed animal. It acts like one too.


Barbara Bartlett said...

is that dog real? you guys are fooling us americans aren't you?

Carpenters said...

Love the HuangHeLou ZhaoXiang.(Yellow Crane Tower picture) It's like my facebook picture. I got so many comments on that one. Now I'll watch the video. The dog is real my friends... Chinese dogs are crazy-small-cute.

Anonymous said...

Hi Taylor,

Your mom came over tonight to watch Rachel while Dan and I had "date night!" We went to a movie and to Sullivan's Steakhouse.

Enjoyed looking at your blog and videos. Sounds as if you are having a great adventure. Dan wishes he could join you in China for a mini vacation, but I think he'd miss Rachel too much!!!

Anyway, take care.....Dan, Tina and Rachel B.

Anonymous said...

tay bar oh tay bar,
hey man love the update. that dog is so fake. dont lie to me. hey i want to skpe with you soon. lets chat. i miss you. i know you had this whole week off but i was super busy. anyway miss you man. the video was sick you have to show me when you get back how to make sweet videos. ok man. lets skype soon. miss you and hurry up come back so you can live with me. ok bye sugar.